Short Digital Filmmaking

Short Digital Film Making

Sometimes we need to be reminded that great things can be accomplished without spending a lot of money. The idea of making a feature length film right out of the box is an intimidating one. When you have never shot or edited anything to just go out and make the next Titanic is a bit too much to deal with. I understand this. That is why I am going to suggest that you take the baby step of making a short or two first.

In life we learn by doing. Singers and musicians can learn a great deal about their craft from reading books and studying theory, but at the end of the day they have to get out there and sing or sit down on that bench and play the instrument. We can talk theory forever or you can actually get to the act of shooting something other than the breeze.

Here I am going to show you a few examples of some great little online short films. All are well done and all I believe have been shot using digital cameras.

The first of which is a really impressive horror movie titled Daddy.

The next is a supper popular fan film based on the Star War Saga. Are you ready to meet Pink 5?

The third thing I want to show you was done by an amazing director David Keith. He has already moved on from doing shoots to having his first feature available on demand here in America. This is the trailer for his first feature which was shoot using the Canon 5d and cost less that ten thousand to produce.

Okay that is it for today guys. Remember to add us to your google plus and to stumble us on stumble upon. Good luck with your low budget digital film making and have a nice day.

The Snugg

Tablet Mall

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